Deliverance Prayers For Your Marriage – Marriage Clinic Prayer Program

5 Responses to “Deliverance Prayers For Your Marriage – Marriage Clinic Prayer Program”

  1. Hello! My Name is Natasha. I live in Seattle, WA. I am Russian. Three years ago I married to the American man David and we happily lived for 2 years. he really showed me a paradise of the family relationship which I couldn’t even dream about. Every summer he let me visit my children and parents in Russia. he bought me a ticket last August and we started missing each other since I entered the waiting room of the airport. I came my Russian home and he already sent me some messages to my cell phone and called my daughter to know about my flight. he called me every other day and sent messages several times a day during two weeks. On Sunday at 11p.m. he called me and also talked to my daughter and son and parents thanked them for sharing their love with him. At 7 a.m. on Monday I got a message on my cell phone to read his e-mail. I was glad to do that because I was in a terrible love with him. But what I read was something I couldn’t believe and understand. he wrote that he didn’t love me and was ready to start the divorce process. he canceled my ticket back to America and it was like a bad dream for me. We never argued with him, we were a loving couple and a very good example for all international couples. I wrote a letter to his mother telling the news. She was in the same shock and bought me a ticket back. I came home, there was only his daughter with whom we were not friends, she didn’t want to see anyone next to her dad except her mother. She was very surprise to see me and told me to get out of the house. she called my husband and he came and he was a totally different person. he told me that it was not my house any more, it was his decision. So, I was in the street at the age of 55 because I didn’t have any one in the whole America except him. I worried so much that was taken to the hospital with the gastric internal bleeding. people were very sorry for me and gave me a shelter to live. His mother died. I haven’t heard from him for 14 months already, he doesn’t support me and he filed the papers for divorce. The reason was very silly. He wrote that I left him in August and he didn’t know where I went and he hadn’t seen me since that time. I don’t know why he did it and who made him do it. I still love him and probably more than I did because I feel him being “sick”. I don’t want to divorce. I know that he still loves me and we must be happy together till the rest of out lives. I am not young, it’s my “last love song” and I want it to have a happy end.
    Thank you. Natasha.

  2. Can some one contact me?

  3. This is what I needed and thank you for I will be confessing the prayer points for my victory and deliverance. Thanking you in advance Lord for a miracle.

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