Thank You for this powerful prayer and I pray all is well for all to whom are partners, and those in charge of this Ministry, may it continue with strength and abound under Christ Jesus’ name. Amen
thank you Dr Olukoya, God is using your ministry to awaken the body of Christ to a warfare we have been so aloof of, i pray that God may continue to bless you and use you and your ministry to awaken the Body of Christ from its slumber. i know you have many who oppose your teachings and ministry but know this Pastor there are many including myself whose lives have changed because of your obedience to God. i am now awake to confront my real enemy.. thank you man of God once again..
I just finished praying the above prayers. It is as though these prayers were taylor made for me. I am being harrassed by a powerful witcht (there are others working with her) and she had tried so many ugly things…but God. I truly believe that Holy Spirit led me to your site.
Eventhough, God had protected me and guided me through these evil trials, I come to the point where my spirit is saying enough…I need counseling bad…can you please help me?
Thank You for this powerful prayer and I pray all is well for all to whom are partners, and those in charge of this Ministry, may it continue with strength and abound under Christ Jesus’ name. Amen
thank you Dr Olukoya, God is using your ministry to awaken the body of Christ to a warfare we have been so aloof of, i pray that God may continue to bless you and use you and your ministry to awaken the Body of Christ from its slumber. i know you have many who oppose your teachings and ministry but know this Pastor there are many including myself whose lives have changed because of your obedience to God. i am now awake to confront my real enemy.. thank you man of God once again..
warm regards Pastor Grant Farah Zimbabwe
I just finished praying the above prayers. It is as though these prayers were taylor made for me. I am being harrassed by a powerful witcht (there are others working with her) and she had tried so many ugly things…but God. I truly believe that Holy Spirit led me to your site.
Eventhough, God had protected me and guided me through these evil trials, I come to the point where my spirit is saying enough…I need counseling bad…can you please help me?