Deliverance Prayers From Porverty/Prayer Against Porverty by Dr Olukoya

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  1. the name of jesus so shall it be and it shall come to pass all the days of my life good and prosperiouse attitudes established in jesus name,,may warfareing angels protect me from this day forward ,may i see more of the being im suposed to be as a example to others that they may know whom we are suposed to be in the christ like state and caracter,let your area of inheridence in my new promise land stand out so others may enquire of our inheridences and entitalments as sons our birth rite in jesus name ,i i pray these words be written in the lambs book of life the book of rememberance of my life as asking to be requesting total restoration in all areas of my life that there be no exscuse of not being in the reserection promise of eternal life in your house of holy spirits i claim all provisions all ministry, all health, virtue and divine favour in jesus name that others will gloryfy you for the things of the examples you raise up in me to save souls and give hope and courage to others on the journey of life ,let me be your example o lord , let me endure any suffering i may need to ,so i can be part of your holy fire and fire will burn up the old patterns of self destruction ,may every word of the enamy stop now in jesus name .i pray every deamon that came and comes against my life be bound and chained by the blood of jesus in hell in jesus name and every stumbling block placed in my path turn to dust ,
    holy spirit of the eternal god rise up in vengence against every evil work of the enamy and be about the father buisness of saving souls let me be a example of your likeness ,caracter,image,and deeds . go holy spirit walk within me be about your father buisness you were sent to complete ,with insite ,revelation ,vision, knowing ,understanding ,athority over my free will ,you have full rites to my soul, mind, heart,body , my life substance,.may it be written in the lambs book of requests that it was requested ,now take me home ,you have full rites to my will in writing ,and witnessed by others whom may read this as in openess,your responsible now,i will follow.
    ps; we pray all these deliverance word as children ,but the time is when the sons will rise in maturity knowing whom they are as seen by god ,but and see there selfs from gods prospective , this site is a door to revelation a cleaning room before entering into a holy place a transforming of crossing over fully .be ye holy for i am holy he says ,,let the work begin, i got my vision back of walking in heavenly places seeing my fathers house of others whom are here,
    my pray has been answered the moment i asked , and spoke it out of my mouth the glory filled the temple ,,last week i walked in hellish places tormented but i seen your site i recited the words given and i rose from hell it cannot hold the name of the lord

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