The Call of the Hour By John Mulinde

The Need

The nation of America is presently in a state of spiritual confusion. Many of its people are nominally Christian; others are openly atheist or are involved in false religions or cults. The worship of mysterious spiritual deities and human heroes is commonly accepted, and the spirit of sensuality has a strong influence on most of the society.

Evil is rampant everywhere. Modern technology and trends in society make it seem attractive and even entertaining. It is made to look and feel appealing and pleasurable. Evil has not only been decriminalized and massively promoted and marketed by the media and the corporate world, it is also protected by law against anyone who would dare speak out against it.

The American media has been allowed to become the moral authority. What it says is “OK” is accepted, and what it criticizes or condemns is shunned because everyone fears for their own survival within the system.

Moral standards have become so eroded that there are no longer any acceptable absolutes. Every person claims they are their own master and feels they have the right to determine their own “truth” and their own ethical standards. No one takes the responsibility or authority of correcting others on issues of morality; parents don’t even correct their own children.

The church has become very compromised. It has conformed to the demands of the times and the ungodly pressures of the day. It is difficult for those who love the Lord to live according to the truth of the gospel because of the world system and the restrictions it places on them. Many preachers have adjusted their preaching and teaching to accommodate the beliefs of the day; because they don’t want to make people uncomfortable, they have conformed to the dictates of our culture.

Teachings that remove the line between right and wrong, holy and unholy, are on the increase. Many ministers simply massage away the convictions of the Holy Spirit, making it difficult for people to find the true spirit of repentance and change. They preach an easy grace and a “self-help” religion that leaves out our need for God and steers people away from a deep and real relationship with Him. God has been left out, and man has exalted himself.The Vision

However, I see a vision of men and women scattered all over the country – young and old, people of all colors, often isolated and alone – who have a desperation concerning the situation in their lives and in their nation. Their hearts revolt against the tide of the times, against this world system, and deep within them is the growing cry: “Enough is enough!”

They have had enough! They cannot take the status quo any longer. They know that there is nothing within them that can bring about change and they desperately seek God to bring transformation. Their hearts cry out for the truth that only comes from God Himself; they need the God of the Bible. At the risk of deep pain and of losing everything they have lived for, they are turning their backs on the world and giving themselves to wholeheartedly seek the Lord with all their lives. They are rejecting the compromises and apostasy being taught today and are seeking truth in the age- old writings of the Bible. They are choosing to give themselves to God so His purposes can be fulfilled through their lives.

As they set themselves apart for the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord begins to “draw nigh unto them” (James 4:8). They are still hidden, like Daniel and his friends during their three years of training for the king’s service (Daniel 1:3-20), but God is at work in them. He is preparing them for the times ahead. These times will be filled with great trials and temptations. Many will fall and betray their faith. No one will be able to endure unless the Lord himself sustains them. “Those who know their God,” however, “shall be strong and shall work exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

I also see small bands of men and women joining themselves to these hidden leaders. They are mentored and groomed by these forerunners who went before them. This mentoring is not based on academic teaching and training, but on helping one another connect so deeply and intimately to God that He starts to directly teach each individual Himself (Jeremiah 31:33-34). The forerunners share their walk and encourage the others on, like iron sharpening iron, but every person has a direct encounter with God, who teaches and deals with them divinely.

This is an extraordinary company of men and women. They are committed to God and to each other in covenantal, all-for-all love. None is considered greater than the other as they serve each other in humility, yet they all recognize the gifts and callings given to each one divinely, according to God’s destiny and purpose for their lives. They willingly make room for one another to take the role God has gifted them for. They celebrate their nothingness and prefer others over themselves in true Christ-likeness.

I see that these bands of men and women are determined to reach out to the lost and the blind, and to breaking the chains of bondage, the veil of deception, and the grip of the world system from off God’s people. They immediately come under persecution and misrepresentation from both the public authorities and from many

in the established church. They go about in humility, with fear and trembling, yet they are willing to lay down their lives for the gospel and for the people they are called to serve.

They meet in small groups to pray and seek God. In places such as church buildings, homes, coffee shops, ball fields, and job sites, they come together to encourage and minister to one another. They know that their lives are not their own – that they have been “bought with a price” – that they belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:20).

The Impact

In spite of the trials and difficulties in their lives, the work and ministry of these people who have set themselves apart for God is powerful beyond comparison with anything that has ever been witnessed in the history of the modern church. As they step out, mountains are leveled and valleys are raised up before them (Isaiah 40:3).

Thousands of people across the nation who have unsuccessfully sought the meaning of life in all kinds of ways suddenly realize that there is real meaning to life. The blind are healed, the lame can walk, the imprisoned are set free, the proud are humbled, the greedy abandon their worldly lusts, and the prodigals rush home. Conventional churches can no longer hold the harvest, so new structures are quickly erected. People begin to join their lives and hearts together and pursue God, no matter what the cost.

This movement keeps growing and sweeping across cities and states, bringing the Kingdom of God into open manifestation. It is not a movement under the control of any one man or organization. Even those who were forerunners are swallowed up in its great surge, and only God is seen to be going ahead of it (Joel 2:11).

I see that as the travailing prayers of these consecrated people penetrate the heavens, the clouds of darkness begin to give way and whole communities become open to the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. The system of the world begins to fall apart. Everything man has ever trusted in starts to give way. While some struggle in their human ways to hold onto their worldly things (becoming more and more wicked in the process), many more find hope and rest in the Lord. Communities begin to change, in all areas and walks of life.

The church is revived and transformed, and families take on a new form of stability and true, godly love that makes all feel safe and fulfilled. Public servants and political leaders find the meaning of truth, which begins to manifest through their work in public institutions. The United States will be transformed: not by power or by might, but by the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

At the same time this is happening, the forces of evil will grow even darker and more aggressive. It will no longer be a cheap, easy experience to be a Christian.

People will need to be wholly sold out for Jesus or they won’t be able to stand up against the pressure, persecution, and darkness. It will be a battle, but for all those who were prepared by God, it will be a time of great victory.

This movement is not limited to the United States. People who have been called to be set apart are rising up all over the world. There is a movement of hidden people worldwide. Their numbers are growing in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, the Pacific regions, the Middle East, the circumpolar regions of the Arctic, and throughout the islands of the seas. This movement is sweeping across continents and oceans. God himself propels it as He equips His army with a people prepared to weather the challenges of every region throughout the world.

The Call

This vision has already started to come to pass. All across the world, men and women have heard the call of the Lord to be set apart. While some have heard and procrastinated, relying on vain excuses, there are many who have already answered the call and started the walk. They have counted the cost and concluded that it is foolish to keep “chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:11). They would rather seek the abiding riches and fulfillment that is found only in the One who has been rejected and misrepresented by His own church in our day. God is already at work in the lives of these people. They are hidden in his safe places, along with those that He is adding to them.

To those who have the Spirit and hunger of God, it is clear what He is doing. The call to be set apart is not to be argued about or struggled against. The choice is not debatable. Human effort has failed to solve man’s problems, and the way things are going in the church leave us with no doubt that if Jesus does not intervene soon, today’s church will not be recognizable from the Biblical church of our Lord.

The Lord will not force Himself on His people, nor will He come to us while we are stuck in our ways. He calls us to lay down our lives for His. The glory of God flows where Christ’s life flows.

This is the Call of the Hour: Set yourselves apart for the Lord. He will work deeply in your life to prepare you for the times ahead. He will do in you what you cannot do for yourself, and will bring you to the fulfillment of your destiny.

Written by John Mulinde

- A Prophetic Word for America – This message was delivered in October 2004. It is based on a prophetic word given to Pastor John Mulinde of Uganda, Africa in 1996 for the United States of America. We are now beginning to experience some of the judgments that are described here. May we respond according to the Word God has spoken here.

- Desperate for the Nations – God is continuously raising up a testimony for the sake of His Name. This documentary video is an attempt to capture some of the highlights from various U.S. cities as well as from parts of Europe and Africa.


The American media has been allowed to become the moral authority. What it says is “OK” is accepted, and what it criticizes or condemns is shunned because everyone fears for their own survival within the system.

Moral standards have become so eroded that there are no longer any acceptable absolutes. Every person claims they are their own master and feels they have the right to determine their own “truth” and their own ethical standards. No one takes the responsibility or authority of correcting others on issues of morality; parents don’t even correct their own children.

The church has become very compromised. It has conformed to the demands of the times and the ungodly pressures of the day. It is difficult for those who love the Lord to live according to the truth of the gospel because of the world system and the restrictions it places on them. Many preachers have adjusted their preaching and teaching to accommodate the beliefs of the day; because they don’t want to make people uncomfortable, they have conformed to the dictates of our culture.

Teachings that remove the line between right and wrong, holy and unholy, are on the increase. Many ministers simply massage away the convictions of the Holy Spirit, making it difficult for people to find the true spirit of repentance and change. They preach an easy grace and a “self-help” religion that leaves out our need for God and steers people away from a deep and real relationship with Him. God has been left out, and man has exalted himself.The Vision

However, I see a vision of men and women scattered all over the country – young and old, people of all colors, often isolated and alone—who have a desperation concerning the situation in their lives and in their nation. Their hearts revolt against the tide of the times, against this world system, and deep within them is the growing cry: “Enough is enough!”

They have had enough! They cannot take the status quo any longer. They know that there is nothing within them that can bring about change and they desperately seek God to bring transformation. Their hearts cry out for the truth that only comes from God Himself; they need the God of the Bible. At the risk of deep pain and of losing everything they have lived for, they are turning their backs on the world and giving themselves to wholeheartedly seek the Lord with all their lives. They are rejecting the compromises and apostasy being taught today and are seeking truth in the age- old writings of the Bible. They are choosing to give themselves to God so His purposes can be fulfilled through their lives.

As they set themselves apart for the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord begins to “draw nigh unto them” (James 4:8). They are still hidden, like Daniel and his friends during their three years of training for the king’s service (Daniel 1:3-20), but God is at work in them. He is preparing them for the times ahead. These times will be filled with great trials and temptations. Many will fall and betray their faith. No one will be able to endure unless the Lord himself sustains them. “Those who know their God,” however, “shall be strong and shall work exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

I also see small bands of men and women joining themselves to these hidden leaders. They are mentored and groomed by these forerunners who went before them. This mentoring is not based on academic teaching and training, but on helping one another connect so deeply and intimately to God that He starts to directly teach each individual Himself (Jeremiah 31:33-34). The forerunners share their walk and encourage the others on, like iron sharpening iron, but every person has a direct encounter with God, who teaches and deals with them divinely.

This is an extraordinary company of men and women. They are committed to God and to each other in covenantal, all-for-all love. None is considered greater than the other as they serve each other in humility, yet they all recognize the gifts and callings given to each one divinely, according to God’s destiny and purpose for their lives. They willingly make room for one another to take the role God has gifted them for. They celebrate their nothingness and prefer others over themselves in true Christ-likeness.

I see that these bands of men and women are determined to reach out to the lost and the blind, and to breaking the chains of bondage, the veil of deception, and the grip of the world system from off God’s people. They immediately come under persecution and misrepresentation from both the public authorities and from many

in the established church. They go about in humility, with fear and trembling, yet they are willing to lay down their lives for the gospel and for the people they are called to serve.

They meet in small groups to pray and seek God. In places such as church buildings, homes, coffee shops, ball fields, and job sites, they come together to encourage and minister to one another. They know that their lives are not their own – that they have been “bought with a price” – that they belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:20).

The Impact

In spite of the trials and difficulties in their lives, the work and ministry of these people who have set themselves apart for God is powerful beyond comparison with anything that has ever been witnessed in the history of the modern church. As they step out, mountains are leveled and valleys are raised up before them (Isaiah 40:3).

Thousands of people across the nation who have unsuccessfully sought the meaning of life in all kinds of ways suddenly realize that there is real meaning to life. The blind are healed, the lame can walk, the imprisoned are set free, the proud are humbled, the greedy abandon their worldly lusts, and the prodigals rush home. Conventional churches can no longer hold the harvest, so new structures are quickly erected. People begin to join their lives and hearts together and pursue God, no matter what the cost.

This movement keeps growing and sweeping across cities and states, bringing the Kingdom of God into open manifestation. It is not a movement under the control of any one man or organization. Even those who were forerunners are swallowed up in its great surge, and only God is seen to be going ahead of it (Joel 2:11).

I see that as the travailing prayers of these consecrated people penetrate the heavens, the clouds of darkness begin to give way and whole communities become open to the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. The system of the world begins to fall apart. Everything man has ever trusted in starts to give way. While some struggle in their human ways to hold onto their worldly things (becoming more and more wicked in the process), many more find hope and rest in the Lord. Communities begin to change, in all areas and walks of life.

The church is revived and transformed, and families take on a new form of stability and true, godly love that makes all feel safe and fulfilled. Public servants and political leaders find the meaning of truth, which begins to manifest through their work in public institutions. The United States will be transformed: not by power or by might, but by the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

At the same time this is happening, the forces of evil will grow even darker and more aggressive. It will no longer be a cheap, easy experience to be a Christian.

People will need to be wholly sold out for Jesus or they won’t be able to stand up against the pressure, persecution, and darkness. It will be a battle, but for all those who were prepared by God, it will be a time of great victory.

This movement is not limited to the United States. People who have been called to be set apart are rising up all over the world. There is a movement of hidden people worldwide. Their numbers are growing in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, the Pacific regions, the Middle East, the circumpolar regions of the Arctic, and throughout the islands of the seas. This movement is sweeping across continents and oceans. God himself propels it as He equips His army with a people prepared to weather the challenges of every region throughout the world.

The Call

This vision has already started to come to pass. All across the world, men and women have heard the call of the Lord to be set apart. While some have heard and procrastinated, relying on vain excuses, there are many who have already answered the call and started the walk. They have counted the cost and concluded that it is foolish to keep “chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:11). They would rather seek the abiding riches and fulfillment that is found only in the One who has been rejected and misrepresented by His own church in our day. God is already at work in the lives of these people. They are hidden in his safe places, along with those that He is adding to them.

To those who have the Spirit and hunger of God, it is clear what He is doing. The call to be set apart is not to be argued about or struggled against. The choice is not debatable. Human effort has failed to solve man’s problems, and the way things are going in the church leave us with no doubt that if Jesus does not intervene soon, today’s church will not be recognizable from the Biblical church of our Lord.

The Lord will not force Himself on His people, nor will He come to us while we are stuck in our ways. He calls us to lay down our lives for His. The glory of God flows where Christ’s life flows.

This is the Call of the Hour: Set yourselves apart for the Lord. He will work deeply in your life to prepare you for the times ahead. He will do in you what you cannot do for yourself, and will bring you to the fulfillment of your destiny.

Written by John Mulinde

- A Prophetic Word for America – This message was delivered in October 2004. It is based on a prophetic word given to Pastor John Mulinde of Uganda, Africa in 1996 for the United States of America. We are now beginning to experience some of the judgments that are described here. May we respond according to the Word God has spoken here.

- Desperate for the Nations – God is continuously raising up a testimony for the sake of His Name. This documentary video is an attempt to capture some of the highlights from various U.S. cities as well as from parts of Europe and Africa.


The American media has been allowed to become the moral authority. What it says is “OK” is accepted, and what it criticizes or condemns is shunned because everyone fears for their own survival within the system.

Moral standards have become so eroded that there are no longer any acceptable absolutes. Every person claims they are their own master and feels they have the right to determine their own “truth” and their own ethical standards. No one takes the responsibility or authority of correcting others on issues of morality; parents don’t even correct their own children.

The church has become very compromised. It has conformed to the demands of the times and the ungodly pressures of the day. It is difficult for those who love the Lord to live according to the truth of the gospel because of the world system and the restrictions it places on them. Many preachers have adjusted their preaching and teaching to accommodate the beliefs of the day; because they don’t want to make people uncomfortable, they have conformed to the dictates of our culture.

Teachings that remove the line between right and wrong, holy and unholy, are on the increase. Many ministers simply massage away the convictions of the Holy Spirit, making it difficult for people to find the true spirit of repentance and change. They preach an easy grace and a “self-help” religion that leaves out our need for God and steers people away from a deep and real relationship with Him. God has been left out, and man has exalted himself.The Vision

However, I see a vision of men and women scattered all over the country—young and old, people of all colors, often isolated and alone—who have a desperation concerning the situation in their lives and in their nation. Their hearts revolt against the tide of the times, against this world system, and deep within them is the growing cry: “Enough is enough!”

They have had enough! They cannot take the status quo any longer. They know that there is nothing within them that can bring about change and they desperately seek God to bring transformation. Their hearts cry out for the truth that only comes from God Himself; they need the God of the Bible. At the risk of deep pain and of losing everything they have lived for, they are turning their backs on the world and giving themselves to wholeheartedly seek the Lord with all their lives. They are rejecting the compromises and apostasy being taught today and are seeking truth in the age- old writings of the Bible. They are choosing to give themselves to God so His purposes can be fulfilled through their lives.

As they set themselves apart for the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord begins to “draw nigh unto them” (James 4:8). They are still hidden, like Daniel and his friends during their three years of training for the king’s service (Daniel 1:3-20), but God is at work in them. He is preparing them for the times ahead. These times will be filled with great trials and temptations. Many will fall and betray their faith. No one will be able to endure unless the Lord himself sustains them. “Those who know their God,” however, “shall be strong and shall work exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

I also see small bands of men and women joining themselves to these hidden leaders. They are mentored and groomed by these forerunners who went before them. This mentoring is not based on academic teaching and training, but on helping one another connect so deeply and intimately to God that He starts to directly teach each individual Himself (Jeremiah 31:33-34). The forerunners share their walk and encourage the others on, like iron sharpening iron, but every person has a direct encounter with God, who teaches and deals with them divinely.

This is an extraordinary company of men and women. They are committed to God and to each other in covenantal, all-for-all love. None is considered greater than the other as they serve each other in humility, yet they all recognize the gifts and callings given to each one divinely, according to God’s destiny and purpose for their lives. They willingly make room for one another to take the role God has gifted them for. They celebrate their nothingness and prefer others over themselves in true Christ-likeness.

I see that these bands of men and women are determined to reach out to the lost and the blind, and to breaking the chains of bondage, the veil of deception, and the grip of the world system from off God’s people. They immediately come under persecution and misrepresentation from both the public authorities and from many

in the established church. They go about in humility, with fear and trembling, yet they are willing to lay down their lives for the gospel and for the people they are called to serve.

They meet in small groups to pray and seek God. In places such as church buildings, homes, coffee shops, ball fields, and job sites, they come together to encourage and minister to one another. They know that their lives are not their own – that they have been “bought with a price” – that they belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:20).

The Impact

In spite of the trials and difficulties in their lives, the work and ministry of these people who have set themselves apart for God is powerful beyond comparison with anything that has ever been witnessed in the history of the modern church. As they step out, mountains are leveled and valleys are raised up before them (Isaiah 40:3).

Thousands of people across the nation who have unsuccessfully sought the meaning of life in all kinds of ways suddenly realize that there is real meaning to life. The blind are healed, the lame can walk, the imprisoned are set free, the proud are humbled, the greedy abandon their worldly lusts, and the prodigals rush home. Conventional churches can no longer hold the harvest, so new structures are quickly erected. People begin to join their lives and hearts together and pursue God, no matter what the cost.

This movement keeps growing and sweeping across cities and states, bringing the Kingdom of God into open manifestation. It is not a movement under the control of any one man or organization. Even those who were forerunners are swallowed up in its great surge, and only God is seen to be going ahead of it (Joel 2:11).

I see that as the travailing prayers of these consecrated people penetrate the heavens, the clouds of darkness begin to give way and whole communities become open to the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. The system of the world begins to fall apart. Everything man has ever trusted in starts to give way. While some struggle in their human ways to hold onto their worldly things (becoming more and more wicked in the process), many more find hope and rest in the Lord. Communities begin to change, in all areas and walks of life.

The church is revived and transformed, and families take on a new form of stability and true, godly love that makes all feel safe and fulfilled. Public servants and political leaders find the meaning of truth, which begins to manifest through their work in public institutions. The United States will be transformed: not by power or by might, but by the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

At the same time this is happening, the forces of evil will grow even darker and more aggressive. It will no longer be a cheap, easy experience to be a Christian.

People will need to be wholly sold out for Jesus or they won’t be able to stand up against the pressure, persecution, and darkness. It will be a battle, but for all those who were prepared by God, it will be a time of great victory.

This movement is not limited to the United States. People who have been called to be set apart are rising up all over the world. There is a movement of hidden people worldwide. Their numbers are growing in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, the Pacific regions, the Middle East, the circumpolar regions of the Arctic, and throughout the islands of the seas. This movement is sweeping across continents and oceans. God himself propels it as He equips His army with a people prepared to weather the challenges of every region throughout the world.

The Call

This vision has already started to come to pass. All across the world, men and women have heard the call of the Lord to be set apart. While some have heard and procrastinated, relying on vain excuses, there are many who have already answered the call and started the walk. They have counted the cost and concluded that it is foolish to keep “chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:11). They would rather seek the abiding riches and fulfillment that is found only in the One who has been rejected and misrepresented by His own church in our day. God is already at work in the lives of these people. They are hidden in his safe places, along with those that He is adding to them.

To those who have the Spirit and hunger of God, it is clear what He is doing. The call to be set apart is not to be argued about or struggled against. The choice is not debatable. Human effort has failed to solve man’s problems, and the way things are going in the church leave us with no doubt that if Jesus does not intervene soon, today’s church will not be recognizable from the Biblical church of our Lord.

The Lord will not force Himself on His people, nor will He come to us while we are stuck in our ways. He calls us to lay down our lives for His. The glory of God flows where Christ’s life flows.

This is the Call of the Hour: Set yourselves apart for the Lord. He will work deeply in your life to prepare you for the times ahead. He will do in you what you cannot do for yourself, and will bring you to the fulfillment of your destiny.

Written by John Mulinde

Related Resources (Free):

Free Audio Messages:

- The Starter Kit – Set Apart for God (The goal of this package of messages is to inspire a total surrender of heart to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.)

- Breaking Through in America – (These 10 messages from the National Leaders Retreat have the power to break the unbelief of heart that has plagued far too many in the leadership of the American church.)

Free Videos:

- A Prophetic Word for America – This message was delivered in October 2004. It is based on a prophetic word given to Pastor John Mulinde of Uganda, Africa in 1996 for the United States of America. We are now beginning to experience some of the judgments that are described here. May we respond according to the Word God has spoken here.

- Desperate for the Nations – God is continuously raising up a testimony for the sake of His Name. This documentary video is an attempt to capture some of the highlights from various U.S. cities as well as from parts of Europe and Africa.

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